Really though, rpat needed a full rewrite to be truly useful in my project. While I could have maintained in its original C form, I really would rather have had a highly functionalized version using STL data structures. As of commit e719d6ddba27bf1fa4d1ace18d3426a356d19fa5, this is done. Example output:
[mcmaster@gespenst bin]$ ./uvobj2pat.dynamic --input=../obj2pat/main_d.oWhich seems consistent with the assembly:
5589E583EC18E8........C1E81F84C07426C744240C........C74424085800 2B E01B 004B :011F _Z14initProgConfigv ^0007 _Z21initFLIRTSharedConfigv ^0016 ^0026 ^0032 uv_err_ret_handler ^0039 g_config ^0040 5589E583EC18........FFC1E81F84C07426........5E0100........085800........240406000000C7
5589E55383EC24C745E8FFFFFFFFC745EC00000000C745F000000000C745F4FF FF F3C5 0349 :01A4 _Z6uvmainiPPc ^0024 _Z13UVDGetVersionv ^0037 strcmp ^0045 _Z13UVDGetVersionv ^005B ^0060 printf ^0065 stdout ^006D fflush ^0072 _Z7UVDInitv ^0081 ^0091 ^009D uv_err_ret_handler ^00A7 g_config ^00B8 ^00C8 ^00D4 uv_err_ret_handler ^00DE _Z14initProgConfigv ^00ED ^00FD ^0109 uv_err_ret_handler ^0127 _ZN9UVDConfig9parseMainEiPKPc ^0138 ^0148 ^0154 uv_err_ret_handler ^0173 ^017F printf_debug_level ^0186 g_flirt ^018B _ZN8UVDFLIRT8getFLIRTEPPS_ ^0199 ^019E puts ^01AF g_flirt ^01BB ^01CB ^01D7 uv_err_ret_handler ^01E1 g_uvd ^01ED ^01FD ^0209 uv_err_ret_handler ^0213 g_uvd ^0222 ^0232 ^023E uv_err_ret_handler ^0248 g_uvd ^0261 ^0271 ^027D uv_err_ret_handler ^0290 _ZNKSt6vectorISsSaISsEE5emptyEv ^029B ^02A0 puts ^02A5 _Z7UVDHelpv ^02AD ^02BD ^02C8 uv_err_ret_handler ^02DD ^02E2 puts ^02EF _Z9UVDDeinitv ^02FE ^030E ^031A uv_err_ret_handler ^0324 ^0334 ^033F uv_err_ret_handler 5589E553........45E8FFFFFFFFC745EC00000000C745........00C745F4FFFFFFFFE8FC........C3E82DFEFFFF895C2404890424E8FCFFFFFF........C0........E8........89C3E80C........5C........2404C7042460000000E8FC........00000000890424E8FCFFFFFF........FFC1E81F84C07429........57010000C744........0000C744240406000000C70424........E8FCFFFFFFE99D020000A100........45EC837DEC007529........57010000C744........0000C744240406000000C7........FFFFE8FCFFFFFFE966020000........FFC1E81F84C07429........57010000C744240881000000C744240406000
5589E583E4F083EC20C7442404........C7042405000000E8........8B450C 3C F345 005C :04ED main ^000D ^0019 printf_debug_level ^002B _Z6uvmainiPPc ^0037 ^0043 printf_debug_level 5589E583E4F083EC20C744........0000C70424050000........FFFF8B450C894424........890424E8FCFFFFFF8944241CC74424044B010000C7
4ed: 55 push %ebp
4ee: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
4f0: 83 e4 f0 and $0xfffffff0,%esp
4f3: 83 ec 20 sub $0x20,%esp
4f6: c7 44 24 04 3e 01 00 movl $0x13e,0x4(%esp)
4fd: 00
4fe: c7 04 24 05 00 00 00 movl $0x5,(%esp)
505: e8 fc ff ff ff call 506
50a: 8b 45 0c mov 0xc(%ebp),%eax
50d: 89 44 24 04 mov %eax,0x4(%esp)
511: 8b 45 08 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax
514: 89 04 24 mov %eax,(%esp)
517: e8 fc ff ff ff call 518
51c: 89 44 24 1c mov %eax,0x1c(%esp)
520: c7 44 24 04 4b 01 00 movl $0x14b,0x4(%esp)
527: 00
528: c7 04 24 05 00 00 00 movl $0x5,(%esp)
52f: e8 fc ff ff ff call 530
534: 83 7c 24 1c 00 cmpl $0x0,0x1c(%esp)
539: 79 07 jns 542
53b: b8 01 00 00 00 mov $0x1,%eax
540: eb 05 jmp 547
542: b8 00 00 00 00 mov $0x0,%eax
547: c9 leave
548: c3 ret
However, the correctness of this won't be known until I actually try processing it. This version should be much easier to maintain and be more stable. There are some assorted points to fix, but it was definitely a step in the right direction. Next steps will be to implement pattern generation for libuvudec based disassembling and verify FLAIR's makesig produces the same output and/or is valid for input to pat2sig. One of the challenges I will of course face is how to support all of the architectures. I'm thinking the best way will be for any arch IDA does not support, I'll put a different magic number at the start of the file and add a new architecture field
Part of the reason I got working on this again is someone pointed out to me someone posted the .sig binary format here. I was hoping to do this last semester, but mostly due to time constraints, didn't get to it. With the format out there now, it will be much easier to implement a pat2sig equivalent and the matching loader.
Finally, I made a quick stab at a Qt GUI:

-Get the window to resize correctly
-Display a dead listing
-Ability to double click on functions and have that location appear in the dead listing
-Write comments
-Load and save a workspace (I briefly toyed with this)
-Load FLIRT signatures. This may be sooner than later as I'm currently writing uvpat2sig which will mean I'll have at least most of first revision signature engine up.